Pirates On The Mississippi River?

When you imagine a pirate, Johnny Depp might come to mind. The Mississippi River pirates were real but they weren't as colorful as Johnny depicted.  

Between about 1806 and 1844, there certainly were pirates prowling on the Mississippi River. Any of you remember this Walt Disney movie:

I had no idea there were pirates on the Mississippi and when the ship's education guy told about these fellows, I was really surprised. I never learned about this before!

River pirates have operated along rivers all over the world. Quoting from Wikipedia:

 "American river piracy in the late 18th and mid-19th century was primarily concentrated along the Ohio River and Mississippi River valleys. River pirates usually operated in isolated frontier settlements which were sparsely populated areas lacking the protection of civil authority and institutions. These pirates resorted to a variety of tactics depending on the number of pirates and the size of the boat crews involved, including deception, concealment, ambush and assaults in open combat near natural obstacles and curiosities, such as shelter caves, islands, river narrows, rapids, swamps and marshes. River travelers were robbed, captured and murdered, and their livestock, slaves, cargo and flatboats, keelboats and rafts were sunk or sold downriver."

Did your ancestor float down the Ohio or Mississippi Rivers and were they attacked by pirates? What a story!


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